Social Media Marketing for Restaurants in Vancouver

Drive customers to your restaurant with viral videos and mouth-watering photos photos.

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We Know How To Drive Foot Traffic To Your Restaurant Through Social Media

Our social media experts at MainMenus have been at the forefront of the social media game since 2012. We discovered the power of Facebook early on and mastered effective strategies to drive traffic and increase orders for restaurants. As new social media platforms emerged, we integrated them into our approach, helping restaurants harness their potential.

Many restaurants miss out on the benefits of platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where food visuals thrive. These platforms are perfect for showcasing your culinary delights, and we can help you make the most of them. Additionally, we leverage the power of influencer marketing to amplify your reach.


At MainMenus, we've been driving online customers since 2014. We created @VancityEats around this time, growing it to nearly 50,000 followers, solidifying our reputation as Instagram management pros in the Vancouver restaurant scene.

We've managed Instagram accounts for numerous restaurants, producing visually appealing content through high-quality videography and photography. Our goal is to create aesthetically pleasing pages that engage followers and attract new customers.

Learn more about our comprehensive social media marketing services below.

Instagtam Management
Reel Videos
Tiktok Management
Facebook Ads
Influencer Marketing
Guaranteed Feature on @VancityEats Page (over 45k followers)

Instagram Management

Since 2014, MainMenus has been driving customers online through Instagram, establishing ourselves as experts in the field. We launched our own page, @VancityEats, around the same time, and have grown it to nearly 50,000 followers. This growth underscores our status as pros in Instagram management within the Vancouver restaurant scene.

We have successfully managed Instagram accounts for numerous restaurants, creating visually appealing content through high-quality videography and photography. Our focus is on making each page aesthetically pleasing to engage followers effectively. Trust MainMenus to elevate your restaurant's Instagram presence and attract more customers with our proven expertise.

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Reel Videos

Harness the power of viral content with our Reel Video Creation service. At MainMenus, we specialize in crafting captivating short videos that can put your restaurant on the map. One viral reel can significantly boost your visibility and pay off for all your marketing efforts.

With our expertise in working with social media algorithms, we ensure your content reaches the right audience, driving traffic and increasing orders. Let us create visually stunning and engaging reels that showcase your restaurant's unique offerings and attract more customers.

Ask About Reels

TikTok Management for Restaurants

Viral TikTok videos we did for Vancouver restraurants

Maximize your restaurant's reach with our TikTok Management service. At MainMenus, we create engaging TikTok videos that capture the essence of your restaurant and attract a broader audience. TikTok's dynamic platform is perfect for showcasing your culinary delights, especially in a vibrant city like Vancouver.

We've mastered the art of TikTok, exemplified by a video we created for a local Indian buffet restaurant that garnered over 320,000 views and resulted in huge lines of eager customers. One viral TikTok can significantly boost your visibility and drive traffic to your restaurant.

Influencer Campaigns for Restaurants

Elevate your restaurant's visibility with our Influencer Campaigns service. At MainMenus, we are connected with over 30 top food influencers and foodies around Vancouver. With this extensive network, your restaurant can benefit immensely from just one influencer campaign.

Our influencer campaigns have proven to pay off significantly, driving customer traffic and increasing orders. The cost per influencer is a worthwhile investment, as their reach and engagement can bring substantial returns.

Let MainMenus leverage our influencer network to create buzz around your restaurant, attracting more customers and boosting your brand presence.

Contact us of you are interested in any of the above services.